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CrossFit is for everyone!

Read more about our CrossFit Hymn member's experience as part of our CrossFit Community. 

Member Testimonials 


I saw Crossfit for the first time in 2016, when the Crossfit Games were broadcasted on Supersport. Since then I  became curious about this unique sport and ever since I wanted to do it.
I finally attended my first Crossfit class on the 16th of January, 2023.
At first it all seemed daunting . People doing muscle-ups, handstand push-ups and Power Cleans . 

But that "Imposter syndrome" faded very quick, as I got to know the community I trained with. 
One thing I heard about Crossfit, was the fact that the people are nice and supporting.  My expectation was exceeded - to say the least. Everyone in the box wants you to succeed and smash your personal goals. No one hesitates to help you and the support from your fellow Crossfitters is immaculate.

I was very hesitant to enter the Open, but looking back - I don't regret it at all.

My experience of the Open was what Crossfit encompasses - Community, Support and the appreciation of being able to exercise.  The support I received, doing my first open, was unbelievable. Everyone, from Coach Zander to Tannie Woutri and the people who train with me, made the experience so valuable and fun.  I am truly thankful for this journey and the Open cemented why I love Crossfit in the first place .



I started CrossFit around 2years ago because I was looking for a new way to work out but also have some fun doing so while testing myself. I was at my previous box where I never really got the attention to detail when it came to most of the movements and after a year I was only attempting as a way to stay fit. Until I came across the CrossFit Hymn advert on Instagram. Myself and a friend (Albert) decided to go give it a chance. The second we walked in we knew that we were right at home. Greeted by everyone on a cold autumn morning with welcoming warm smiles. At CrossFit Hymn I really came out of my shell and have been welcomed into the crazy 5am family. Even when I am not in the mood to train on a freezing winter morning we are motivated to keep pushing ourselves. Everyone at CrossFit Hymn has become like family.


We all support, help and guide each other every day in the box and outside the box. With all that I have been able to improve my health and fitness and done so under the carful eye of my coach and fellow athletes.



Sometimes the hardest part of any journey, to achieving a goal is keeping motivated. Whether you are trying to lose weight, eat correctly, getting fitter or just staying focused can be tough.

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, using sixty units of insulin daily and with no energy to get me through the day.

My doctor suggested that I should start getting active, so I decided to join a gym. After a few months at the gym, I realised that I was not pushing myself to the limits and I needed a change with regards to my approach. 

This is when I made the decision to join CrossFit Hymn.  Every session at CrossFit Hymn is super inspiring especially when you have a coach who is constantly motivating you to achieve your utmost best.

I am no longer using insulin and I can honestly say that I am well on my way to success.

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Roxy & Anchen

We joined CrossFit Hymn a few months ago as a team, but then our team got bigger and turned into a family.


Our experience with CrossFit in the beginning was mentally a challenge until we learned to love it, learned to love ourselves. Today, we can proudly say that it has been a life-changing experience, mentally, physically and emotionally.


We also want to thank coach Zander for pushing us in a way that we didn't think was possible, to strive for excellence within ourselves.

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Joining CrossFit Hymn has probably been one of the best decisions I've made.

Thank you for providing a sense of belonging, for challenging and inspiring us to be different, fitter and stronger versions of ourselves.  

You are the community I did not know I needed and I am entirely grateful.

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